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Custom Solar Powered Transit Shelters for PSTA’s New Largo Transit Center

Largo, FL

  • See link to video to embed https://www.facebook.com/ridepsta/videos/10153453335220614/

Largo areas residents who use PSTA buses to get around will soon have an easier time of it. PSTA has announced its new Largo Transit Center is open for business.  Before the transit center started serving passengers, however, a ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on Thursday, April 28, 2016. The event celebrated the completion of the transit center, located at the Largo Commons Walmart Supercenter, 2677 Roosevelt Blvd.  Mayor Woody Brown and Brad Miller, PSTA’s chief executive officer, attended the ceremony, which opened to the public.  “These routes provide access to healthcare, schools, and residences cross the entire peninsula of Pinellas County,” PSTA explained in an email about the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The new transit center has 30-minute bus service. The newly added Rout 19 has 20-minute service during peak hours.  “Before the opening of LTC, Walmart shoppers had to walk from Roosevelt Boulevard or U.S. 19, with no relief from the elements,” the email explained. “Now, with the new beautiful shelters, riders can stay out of the rain and sun, while the breeze still blows through the shelters providing new comforts for our riders.”

The shelters are a custom variation of Brasco’s traditional Slimline series shelter and feature a curved roof with custom blue acrylic roof glazing, solar powered illumination, map displays, perforated Curveline benches and agency signage. Click on the video above to see the ribbon cutting ceremony with PSTA’s CEO Brad Miller.

Original Article by By SHERRI LONON with Patch.com.  Read complete article here.

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